
Aliens And The Vatican 2013

Mattew Ward said numerous times that organized religion on earth, esp. the Catholic branch, is the Dark's mechanism of manipulating, controlling and frightening earth people. SaLusa also mentioned often that once people's consciousness level raises, there is no need for organized religion as we will know by our heart intuitively what the truth is. We don't need an outside institution to tell us what we should or should not believe.

I had been into both Christan and Buddhist teachings for years. Though I feel the Buddhist teachings reveal more truth than the Bible, eventually I came out as not attached to either of the two. I take whatever that suits my spiritual growth, and decide to follow my own path. It was a lonely journey. No religious organization would want to accept me as I don't want to make commitment. I had scary moments as church people looked down me as a sinner going to hell and don't want to be friends with me.

I still remember about 7 - 8 yrs ago the shock it caused me when I read Maitreya (中译弥勒佛)through Margaret Mcelroy, who asked his readers very bluntly: How do you know the Bible is telling the truth? How do you know the words are from God? How do you know for certain? I once asked church people about something that the Bible said which I have doubt and immediately got a rebuke: "You can't doubt it because they are God's words!" But how do I know they are God's words? "Because it is the Bible! Bible means God's words. Period." I guess even a 3 yr old can see the obvious fallacy of this reasoning.

Later from reading Zacheria Sitchen I learned actually the God in old testimony is Annunaki, the commander of a space ship from another planet who came to earth to exploit earth resources and enslave aboriginal people. The earth people worshiped Annunaki as God because he was descending from above - the sky, and had supreme technological power. No wonder I always feel the God in old testimony is such a fearful God who often burst into rage and liked to punish people.

I'm glad I did not yield to outside pressure and keep listening to that little inner voice to follow my own heart. To go within / look within is indeed a true wisdom. At soul level, we all know what the truth is. So turn off the noise / chaos from the outside world and turn in to your inner voice. By basically not watching mainstream TV, not reading mainstream newspapers / books since my spiritual awakening, that little inner voice from my soul has become louder and louder to the point that I can't ignore it anymore. Even the New Age stuff can not bind me. It is so true that the most fearful thing is fear itself. Once we overcome the fear of punishment, judgement, loneliness, rejection, the universe opens a new door for us to step in to see a whole brave new world is waiting there for us to see.

Finally the darkest moment of my soul is receding and I no longer feel lonely. I know I'm living in truth every day by receiving fresh new information/energy with my heart / mind wide open, and I don't need other people's acknowledgement. I am a sovereign being, i.e. self reign. Truth set me free! I thank myself and my guides above!


